From Victim to Victor Mastering the Scam Recovery Process

As our society becomes more and more advanced, we are assimilating it into our daily lives. With more and more apps available online, they are easing our lives. Our heavy dependency on these gadgets has also made us vulnerable to cyberattacks.

Scammers and hackers, too, rely on advanced software to hunt down their victims. Since computer hardware and software are becoming easily accessible, it is quite easy for them to create mischief.

In recent years, the number of online scams has been increasing. As per the Federal Trade Commission, between January 2021 and June 2023, roughly $2.7 billion was lost to various online social media platform scams. These are the ones that have been reported. There are several victims who fear that they may be ridiculed and thus avoid reporting the incident.

Key Steps in Scam Recovery Mastery

You may lose your money in an online scam; however, you may be surprised to know that you can recover your lost online financial funds.

In this article, we will show you that you do not have to lose hope when you lose your faith in an online scam. You can always seek professional help while recovering your lost financial assets from an online scam. We will also shed light on the scam recovery process.

Recognizing the Scam

One of the most important parts of the recovery process from an online scam is recognizing it. Con artists are expert manipulators; they will entice their victims and then pull up a fast one. Before the victim realizes it, they have already lost a large sum of their wealth to these scammers.

Understanding Common Scam Tactics

Although there are several scams prevalent online, there are a few common tactics that these con artists use. Any scam that a con artist pulls up always ends up being a financial investment scam, one way or another. We have listed them below:

  • They will convince you that they have a limited-period offer for an excellent investment scheme.
  • There is little or no risk factor involved, and the promised returns are limitless.
  • They have confirmed insider tips regarding recommended underlying assets that will grow.
  • They will use high-pressure sales and coercive tactics.
  • They will boast of being knowledgeable and use heavy jargon without explaining those keywords.
  • They will try to convince you to invest in the scheme without explaining how the scheme will work.
  • They are eager to close the deal.
  • They do not give you enough time to think about the investment scheme.
  • They ask you to take money out of emergency funds like college fees, mortgages, and even retirement funds.

Emotional Toll on Victims

Emotional tolls on victims can have a drastic effect on their mental as well as their physical health. The sense of betrayal and the thought of getting ripped off make many think that their situation will be ridiculed by their near and dear ones. And for this sole reason, they avoid opening up with the ones they are close with. Due to this, they suffer in silence.

Reporting the Scam

Rather than sitting in silence, it is important that you seek help and start to accept that you can recover your lost financial assets from an online scam. You must accept that anyone can fall victim to an online scam, but you must also accept that it can be your decision to recover it. We have listed a few steps that can help you recover lost financial assets.

Contacting Authorities and Law Enforcement

Once you come to know that you have fallen victim to an online scam, here are a few steps that can help you recover your lost financial assets. You need to keep your nerves calm and not do anything rash that might hinder your financial asset recovery process.

Please follow these steps to recover from scams, both financially and mentally.

You need to make a detailed account that led you to a scam. All the details should be included, even the most absurd ones that the scammers said to you. You also need to cut all ties with the scammer, but make sure that you do not destroy all the things that have been shared by the scammer with you.

You need to visit your local law enforcement agency and file a complaint with them. Give them all the details regarding any conversation through emails, texts, or messages.

You may also need to provide them with the website address, contact details, and headquarters details mentioned on the site. Also, provide them with screenshots, graphs, and charts of the underlying asset that the scammers claimed to have invested in on your behalf. You also need to provide the bank accounts; if cryptocurrency is involved, then the crypto wallet address used in the transfer of funds to the scammer's account

Mention the scammers' bank account and wire transfer account, and if they have provided a crypto account, mention that too.

Do not forget to provide the “terms and conditions” documents on which you have signed.

After contacting the law enforcement agency, you now need to contact the concerned authorities that deal with financial fraud. If you are not a US citizen, then seek out the department of government that takes care of financial fraud.

However, if you are a US citizen, then please lodge a complaint with the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC), and the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC).

You may also need to file a complaint with IC3 or the Internet Crime Complaint Center.

Emotional Support During Reporting

The feeling of betrayal has a heavy toll on one's mental health, and combined with the loss of money in that scam, it can drastically worsen the victims' health further. Thus, it is important that instead of criticizing or ridiculing the victim of a scam, you, as a near and dear one of the victims, provide them with all the support possible.

It is even advisable that you seek professional help, like visiting a mental healthcare provider.

Financial Assessment

When you find yourself a victim of a scam, you need to evaluate how much of your wealth has been affected.

Since scammers are more interested in ripping you off, they frequently advise you to take steps that will hurt you financially in the long run. They will recommend that if you lack sufficient funds, you can always take money out of your mortgage funds and college tuition, and they might even go as far as suggesting that you take money out of your retirement funds as you may no longer require them once you start making a huge amount of money.

They might also ask you to apply for a loan, which can be a bad idea as you would be betting on a losing horse.

Evaluating the Extent of Financial Losses

When con artists employ nefarious means to scam people in our society, it is the entire society that has to bear the brunt instead of individuals. As per the FBI report, more than $10.3 billion was lost to online scams in 2022 alone. However, these are just those that have been registered; as we have mentioned, many go unnoticed; thus, the actual figures are more than those that have been reported.

Coordinating with Financial Institutions

It is important that you take the necessary steps when you realize that you have been scammed. You need to sever all ties with the scammers and try to keep a cool head. You must also realize that you do not destroy any material or messages that have been shared by the scammer with you.

You should also realize that the scammer must have also stolen all the sensitive data that you were not supposed to share. Thus, it becomes important that you also become a target of identity theft.

Once an individual becomes a victim of identity theft, it cannot be assumed that they might fall victim to another scam immediately. Before we continue, you need to take these steps that will ensure scammers do not siphon your financial funds.

  • Get in touch with your bank and report them regarding the entire scam that you have fallen victim to.
  • Report the incident to a credit rating agency, and they will put a temporary freeze on all of your accounts.
  • Ask for a free report that you are entitled to from the credit rating bureau and look for any suspicious accounts and unauthorized transactions.

Once these steps are taken, you must then make a habit of frequently checking for any unauthorized transactions in your bank statements. Such steps will alert you if someone with a nefarious purpose happens to commit mischief.

Emotional and Psychological Recovery

After taking care of securing your finances, now comes the most important part of rebuilding a life that has been shattered due to the scam. The first sign of recovery is to report the scam to the authorities. Encouragement from those who trust you can further boost your morale.

You must also seek the professional help of a mental healthcare specialist, who can advise the victim and guide them to release all the suppressed emotions that were caused by the scam. Instead of ridiculing the victim due to the poor choices made that resulted in the scam, the victim must be encouraged to take corrective measures to restore the lost confidence.

Coping Strategies

It is only natural to feel negative emotions once you fall victim to a scam. Emotions like stress, anger, guilt, frustration, fear, loss of faith, embarrassment, loss of trust in others, and so forth

The best way to face these negative feelings is to acknowledge and face them.

Embracing emotions: It can be unwise and unhealthy to run away from these emotional roller coasters that you experience after being a victim of a scam. As mentioned earlier, you must learn to embrace and acknowledge them. You must remember that yours is not a unique case; several people around the world fall victim to scams frequently on a daily basis. How you react to these negative emotions depends on how you are ready to conquer them and lead the life that you always wanted.

Friends and family circle: It is better to open up with those you trust in your family and friend circle and break the news regarding the scam you fell for. They may prove an essential part of your life to rebuild your lost confidence. They may also support you in taking corrective steps, guide you, and even help you recover your lost financial funds from a scam.

Self Care: It is important that you do not neglect your health, both physically and mentally. Have faith that you will eventually recover the financial assets that you lost in a scam. Try to keep yourself as relaxed as possible, and instead of wallowing miserably in the scamming incident, keep an optimistic approach.

Shifting from Victimhood to Empowerment

Once you start believing that you will recover your lost financial assets, you will start to empower yourself, one of the core emotional recovery from scams is the paradigm shift in your thinking and approach. It lies within your power to elevate yourself from misery and ignore self-inflicting negative thoughts.

Rebuilding Financial Stability

Although the law will take care of the recovery of your stolen financial assets, what you need to focus on is how to rebuild the wealth that you once possessed. It is the nature of the law to take some time in the recovery of your financial assets, since there is the investigation process, picking up the breadcrumbs that con artists have left behind, making sense of the entire puzzle, and then recovering your lost assets.

In the meantime, you can hone your skills and look for alternative methods of elevating your financial status by approaching reputed wealth creation agencies. No matter how reputed it is, you must research and make an informed decision to avoid falling for a scam again.

Preventive Measures for the Future

As the saying goes “once bitten twice shy,” can apply to such scams. One of the best ways to avoid going through these traumatic events is to avoid falling for them in the first place. Since all these scams involve ripping off their victims, here are a few red flags for you to observe and avoid falling for them.

Scammers may guise themselves as your love interest

  • You have a common interest.
  • Your love interest is a flight or two away from you.
  • They avoid video calls saying that they have poor reception.
  • They will be in a field that would command respect in society.
  • Every time you make plans to meet, some unforgettable emergency arises from their end, making the meeting impossible.
  • They are quick to confess their love and promise to marry you.
  • When everything is running smoothly, they disappear all of a sudden, and when they do surface, they may need your financial support one way or another.
  • The demand for finances never seems to end, and they make a fake promise of making it to you in one way or another.
  • They may also ask you to invest in a bogus investment scheme
  • If they suggest you invest in cryptos, they would want you to share all the details with them.
  • They may probe you with questions that you may never share with your loved ones.
  • They want to keep the relationship a secret.

We have already covered the fact that scammers may impersonate a financial advisor and entice you into investing in a bogus investment scheme.

Legal Recourse for Victims

If you have used your credit or debit card for a bogus investment, then we have already mentioned that you need to inform the bank and the credit rating agency.

If you have wire transferred to the scammer account, then you need to ask the wire transfer authority to reverse the money and inform them regarding the fraudulent transaction.

If you are a US citizen, then try contacting

  • Ria (Walmart2Walmart and Walmart2World transfers) at 1-855-355-2144
  • Ria (non-Walmart transfers) at 1-877-443-1399
  • Western Union at 1-800-448-1492
  • MoneyGram at 1-800-926-9400

Contact the bank and ask to them report the incident.

If you have been involved in a crypto scam, then reversal of the said cryptos is almost impossible; however, contacting the company through which these crypto were sent and reporting them regarding the fraudulent activity might help you out.

If you have shared your sensitive data with scammers, then visit, and take the necessary steps mentioned there.

You may also want to change your password for all your accounts, including your bank and crypto accounts if you are using one.

Understanding Legal Rights

As per legal rights, individuals' interests are taken care of and protected. Be it wire fraud, investment fraud, or any other financial fraud committed by a scammer, these are unlawful, and there are legal resources to protect the rights of the victim.

Before taking any steps, you as a victim of an online scam, need to provide a detailed account of the scam to the law enforcement agencies. You also need to approach the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC), and the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and provide a detailed account of the entire scam.

Once you do this you can approach a reputed lawyer and also provide a detailed account of the scam. They will help you build a case if you wish to bring a scammer to court for justice.

Pursuing Legal Action Against Scammers

Several states have different laws regarding online scams. It depends upon where the scam originated, where the victim was residing, what the different laws that were broken when the scam was perpetrated, and so forth.

Getting a good lawyer who will help construct a case for you will decide your fate in claiming the damages caused by the scammer.

Alternatively, you can seek help from reputed online financial fund recovery agencies. They are experts in dealing with and coming up with financial recovery strategies. They are experts in guiding you through all your financial problems that have been caused by online scams. They have articles that will educate you regarding various financial assets and how to spot a potential scam.


Getting scammed online has become a daily occurrence. The only way to avoid falling victim to a scam is to arm yourself with as much knowledge as possible about the prevalent scams in society. The best way to achieve this is to ask a lot of questions when an investment opportunity arises. Ask the person to call again in the future, and do some research in the meantime if you find the investment scheme interesting.

Let's get your money back!

If you’ve lost money to scammers, contact us now and we’ll work with you to get your money back!